Buy Local - the online way

This post is about buy local, but not the way you might think. It fact, it's more of a 'Think Local', and by that I mean supporting the 'small business' in the tech industry. We all know who the tech giants are out there, so not much point of me linking to them (and advertising them for free). You can get your social networking for free, your email for free. I'm willing to bet the very web browser you are reading this on now was guess what -- free! The internet, for all it's positives and negatives, is effective at bringing people together, at letting us communicate with others half way around the globe, like they were a neighbor in our own back yard. So when offered something for free many people jump on it downloading he latest free browser, signing up for free webmail, joining large social networks - and why not right? The thing is none of this is really for 'free' these big companies are in it for big profit, and they do it simply by selling you...