Brad's Weekend of Coding - Day 1 - Summary

 The Magic of the Blockchain - Demystified

Playing around with Cryptocurrency - again - . Was inspired a few months ago by 'Dogecoin'.  Purchased about 300 coin at $0.10/coin.  Watching it grow to close to $1.00..wondering how high i will get..a very interesting coin. Said to be a 'joke' but a lot of Dogecoin millionaires out there already!

GeekWisdom - Tales of a Geek -The Game

Started working on a text adventure around Sept 2020.  It is a combination 'escape room' meets 'interactive novel', but I have been putting it off releasing it.  Started moving it to my server (free demo version). Users will need to sign up to Patreon account to login, but will not need to donate anything at this time to play (Donations still welcome though)

Pool BBQ with Family

Our first full summer with our new pool, cannot stay inside coding entirely on a nice day like today !

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